Gas fees and gas wars

what you need to know - NFT 101 Series

Gas fees are an important consideration for anyone looking to buy or sell NFTs on Ethereum Blockchain. 

Gas fees are a small fee that users pay to miners to confirm transactions on the blockchain. Gas fees are paid in cryptocurrency and can add up quickly, especially during times of high network congestion.

Gas wars occur when there is high demand for transactions, leading to competition for miners' attention. This competition drives up gas fees even higher, making it more difficult and expensive to execute transactions. To avoid getting caught in a gas war, it's important to be strategic with your transactions and choose the right time to execute them.

One way to save on gas fees is to use a blockchain other than Ethereum. Other blockchains, such as Binance Smart Chain or Polygon, typically have lower gas fees than Ethereum, making it a more affordable option for NFT transactions.

It's important to do your research and keep up with current market trends to make informed decisions about gas fees and when to execute transactions to get the most out of your NFT investments.

Tools for Checking Ethereum (ETH) Gas Fees

Etherscan Gas Tracker:
Etherscan Gas Tracker is one of the most popular tools for checking Ethereum gas fees. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and allows users to estimate the gas cost for their transactions. Users can also view historical gas prices and charts to get a better understanding of the gas fee trends.

GasNow is a free gas price oracle that provides real-time updates on gas prices. It offers both RESTful APIs and websockets for developers to easily integrate gas prices into their dApps. GasNow also provides gas fee recommendations based on the current network conditions.

ETH Gas Station:
ETH Gas Station is another popular gas fee tracker that provides real-time updates on gas prices. It offers a gas price calculator that estimates the gas fee for different transaction speeds. ETH Gas Station also provides users with recommendations for gas prices based on the current network congestion.

CoinMarketCap Gas Fees:
CoinMarketCap Gas Fees is a tool that allows users to monitor the gas fees on the Ethereum network. It offers a gas fee chart that displays the average gas price and transaction volume. CoinMarketCap Gas Fees also provides users with a gas fee calculator that estimates the gas cost for a transaction based on the current network conditions.

1inch Gas Tracker:
1inch Gas Tracker is a tool that provides real-time updates on gas prices and transaction fees for the Ethereum network. It offers a gas fee chart that displays the current gas price and transaction volume. Users can also estimate the gas fee for their transactions and adjust the gas price accordingly.

BSCScan Gas Tracker:
BSCScan Gas Tracker is a tool that provides real-time updates on gas prices for the Binance Smart Chain network. It offers a gas fee calculator that estimates the gas cost for a transaction based on the current network conditions. Users can also view historical gas prices and charts to get a better understanding of the gas fee trends on the Binance Smart Chain network.

Tools for Checking Polygon (Matic) Gas Fees

Polygon Gas Station:
Polygon Gas Station is the official tool for checking gas fees on the Polygon network. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and allows users to estimate the gas cost for their transactions. Polygon Gas Station also offers a gas fee prediction tool that estimates the gas cost for a transaction based on the current network conditions.

Polygonscan is a popular block explorer for the Polygon network. It allows users to view transaction details, including gas fees, for any transaction on the network. Polygonscan also provides real-time updates on gas prices and historical gas prices.

CoinMarketCap Gas Fees:
CoinMarketCap Gas Fees is a tool that allows users to monitor the gas fees on the Polygon network. It offers a gas fee chart that displays the average gas price and transaction volume. CoinMarketCap Gas Fees also provides users with a gas fee calculator that estimates the gas cost for a transaction based on the current network conditions.

DeBank is a popular DeFi dashboard that allows users to track their DeFi portfolio across multiple platforms, including the Polygon network. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and transaction fees for the Polygon network. Users can also estimate the gas fee for their transactions and adjust the gas price accordingly.

Zapper is a DeFi dashboard that allows users to track and manage their DeFi portfolio on the Polygon network. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and transaction fees for the Polygon network. Users can also estimate the gas fee for their transactions and adjust the gas price accordingly. Zapper also offers a gas fee prediction tool that estimates the gas cost for a transaction based on the current network conditions.

Tools for Checking Polygon (Matic) Gas Fees

Binance Gas Tracker:
Binance Gas Tracker is the official tool for checking gas fees on the Binance Smart Chain network. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and allows users to estimate the gas cost for their transactions. Users can also view historical gas prices and charts to get a better understanding of the gas fee trends.

BscScan Gas Tracker:
BscScan Gas Tracker is a popular tool for checking gas fees on the Binance Smart Chain network. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and allows users to estimate the gas cost for their transactions. Users can also view historical gas prices and charts to get a better understanding of the gas fee trends.

CoinMarketCap Gas Fees:
CoinMarketCap Gas Fees is a tool that allows users to monitor the gas fees on the Binance Smart Chain network. It offers a gas fee chart that displays the average gas price and transaction volume. CoinMarketCap Gas Fees also provides users with a gas fee calculator that estimates the gas cost for a transaction based on the current network conditions.

PancakeSwap Gas Tracker:
PancakeSwap Gas Tracker is a tool for checking gas fees on the PancakeSwap exchange, which is built on the Binance Smart Chain network. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and allows users to estimate the gas cost for their transactions on PancakeSwap.

DeBank is a popular DeFi dashboard that allows users to track their DeFi portfolio across multiple platforms, including the Binance Smart Chain network. It provides real-time updates on gas prices and transaction fees for the Binance Smart Chain network. Users can also estimate the gas fee for their transactions and adjust the gas price accordingly.