NFT Domains

blockchain and wallet domain services - 101 NFT Series

NFT Domains - blockchain and wallet domain services - 101 NFT Series

While many NFT projects focus on art, sports, and creativity, some aim to provide unique services to their users. 

TLDR; In short, web3 domains are domains that exist on a public blockchain and offer users full control over their stored data. Owning a web3 domain has two major advantages: first, it simplifies cryptocurrency transactions by replacing complex wallet addresses with a simple domain name. Second, web3 domains make it easy to create and host websites on the decentralized web.

Have you heard the latest buzz about web3 domains? They're the new hot topic in the world of blockchain, and they have the power to revolutionize the way we think about the internet. But before we delve into all the exciting things that web3 domains can do, let's take a step back and talk about traditional domains and NFTs so we can fully appreciate the superpowers behind web3 domains.

When you enter a URL into your browser, you're interacting with a traditional domain. But did you know that traditional domains were originally designed to do much more than just display websites? They were intended to support functionalities like email and payments. It's hard to imagine now, but that's how it was.

Despite this potential, traditional domains haven't evolved much beyond their basic function of displaying websites. This may be due to the fact that traditional domains have been controlled by centralized servers since the inception of the internet, making it difficult for developers to innovate on top of that technology.

Fortunately, web3 domains, which are powered by blockchain technology, open up a whole new world of possibilities on the web!

These projects include:

Namecoin (NMC) - A fork of Bitcoin that provides a decentralized name registration and resolution system, similar to ENS and more. 

Unstoppable Domains - A domain name service that uses blockchain technology to create censorship-resistant domain names on both Ethereum and Zilliqa blockchains.

BNS Bitcoin Name Service - Decentralized names are secured on the Bitcoin blockchain, registered by Stacks.

Blockstack - A decentralized computing network and app ecosystem that offers a decentralized naming system (BNS) to replace traditional domain names.

CNS (Chain Naming Service) - A decentralized naming protocol that runs on the Celo blockchain, which allows users to register human-readable names for wallet addresses, smart contracts, and other resources on the Celo network. Multiwallet Support soon (16.02.2023)

Handshake (HNS) - A decentralized naming protocol that runs on its own blockchain and provides a naming service that is similar to ENS. *experimental

Bonfida offers Solana Domains
The Bonfida project, is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Solana blockchain. The website serves as a platform for users to register and manage their custom, human-readable names for their cryptocurrency wallet addresses on the Solana network.